Mobile UX Design Tiles V2 Stencil Omnigraffle

Mobile UX Design Tiles V2 Stencil Omnigraffle

Mobile UX tiles is a product or system of 30 tiles for building quick visual flowcharts and sitemaps for client and project work.

My first versions were done back in 2005 believe it or not when I worked on a project for the BBC here in the UK. I needed to put together an initial functional outline for the project and we didn’t have time to build wireframes or prototypes so I put together a ‘sitemap on steroids’ as I called it at the time. This illustrated our initial proposal and used them as the focus and idea generator for much of the discussion for the project.

Over time I have developed the visual look and feel for the tiles and find myself using them in just about every project I do. From my own perspective they have been valuable when dealing with ‘green’ clients who are not necessarily comfortable talking about site structure or page types, so the sooner I can get a familiar layout pattern in front of them the sooner they start to feel comfortable and the project starts to move forward.

In the package is a set of 30 mobile layout tiles for flowcharts and sitemaps. Each tile represents a unique mobile screen type which can be used in any of your UX deliverables.